DAO Data Control

Aug 26, 2005
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I have 2 machines that will not run my VB6 Application after being upgraded to
Windows XP and Office 2003. My Application runs fine on other machines with Windows XP and Office 2003 installed. The Application will run BUT will not fill the textboxes with data. The textbox uses the Data Control
for it's data.
Data is from Access 2000 Backend.
Using JET 4 as a connection.
Fixes that were tried::
1. DAO 3.6 is referenced.
2. I tried "Package and Deploy" to insure all the reference files went with it.

Here is the code i am using to change the data control recordset:
Dim daoDB36 As DAO.Database, varMedRecNum2 As Variant
Dim rs As Recordset, SPath As String
varMedRecNum2 = CDbl(txtMedRecNum.Text)

SPath = "Q:\MedRec\PatientNotes.mdb"
Set daoDB36 = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(SPath)

strSQl = "SELECT tblPatientRemarks.MedRecID" & vbCrLf
strSQl = strSQl & " , tblPatientRemarks.Date" & vbCrLf
strSQl = strSQl & " , tblPatientRemarks.Remarks" & vbCrLf
strSQl = strSQl & " FROM tblPatientRemarks" & vbCrLf
strSQl = strSQl & " WHERE (((tblPatientRemarks.MedRecID)=" & varMedRecNum2 & "))" & vbCrLf
strSQl = strSQl & " ORDER BY tblPatientRemarks.Date DESC;"

Set rs = daoDB36.OpenRecordset(strSQl)
Set Data7.Recordset = rs
For some reason, only these 2 machines have the issue. (fresh installs)
There are no errors. The textboxes will not fill with the data.
I already know that the issue is with the data controls not accepting the recordset change OR not working.
I just don't know why.......

Hey, my first post!