Windows XP Damaged windows install + encrypted files prob.

Sep 21, 2005
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I've got a big problem with windows....
I recently bought a new computer because i broke my old 1. Almost every part is new in this computer but theres old hard disk from my old's a pretty old 1(some ide100 40gb 5400rpm or something) I got a problem when i tried to launch my old windows which was in my old hd. Well it didnt boot as i expected cos so much hardware had changed. I tried to repair install but it crashes during device install part of the windows installation. Only reason why i want to get this old windows working is that theres my old user account which contains all my files(I was stupid when i put all my files to My files folder) After this install thingie werent working i decided to install windows to my new hd (Sata150 250gb) Well there werent any problems....My idea was to copy my old user files to this new hard drive, but when i tried to acces my user folder on the old Hd i got message Acces denied! After a while i noticed that my user folder is ESF encrypted. Only way i could access these whiles is to somehow login with my old account but that aint working cos My old windows install wont work!!! Please help me! How could i get those files decrypted or old installation to work? (I've tried boot fix too)

(Sorry if my grammar aint perfect. Im from Finland so try to understand ;D)
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Don't try to acces the folder ... copy it to a new folder on the new HD.

Not sure if it will work, but worth a try.

But that would be just too simple now wouldnt it :) It says acces denied to that too.
Yes it is 'simple' and that is how you can avoid encription in Win 2000, a copy will not be encripted.

Shame XP is a little harder to break.

Sorry I can be of no further help to you.