Damaged Security Accounts Manager database (possibly)



Hi All. All user profiles on my machine have vanished. At least, they are not
being displayed on start up. I've managed to get hold of an NTFS reader and
have found that all profile folders and data are there.

I think I've narrowed the problem down to a damaged SAM Database. Does
anyone know of a way to recover or rebuild the SAM database?

I can't use the recovery consol as it won't accept the administrator password.

Thanks in advance


At the screen where your accounts should be displayed, try pressing
"ctrl-alt-del" twice. If a log in screen appears try to log in using one of
your usernames + password.



That was one of the first things I tried unfortunately. Keeps coming back
with invalid username + password bla bla bla...tried the guest account as
well, but to no avail.

Thanks for the post though.

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