daily virus scan

  • Thread starter Thread starter jenn
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I can't get my pc to run a daily virus scan. I'm not sure
if I have something running on my pc that prohibits that
feature or not.
From Alan:
This has been reported many times before in this

The scheduled scan feature is buggy, very buggy!

Some people have reported that on some system it doesn't
work at all, while on others the scans are run 2 hours
late! Then some people have reported it has never worked
on any system they have tried it on. Now that's what I
call BUGGY!! The time that I've seen the most people
have a problem with is 5 AM, changing this time might be
a temporary workaround. But I wouldn't hold my breath,
because this is only a beta version and Microsoft has to
rework the code from the original version that Giant
Company created, which is a likely source of many of
these bugs (some part of new code competing with another,
older part that hasn't been cleaned up, or eliminated
from the source code). Although, I had mine set to 12
AM, and it ran daily. Unfortuneately it slowed the
system to an absolute crawl, so I turned the feature off,
and I now manually run scans.

My recommendation is to keep Real-time Protection turned
on and manually scan your system daily, at least until
this bug is fixed (probably in Beta2, likely around the
end of July).
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