Daily Transaction Input

  • Thread starter Thread starter CJ
  • Start date Start date


Hi Groupies:

I'm not sure how to build what I want.......

I have an inventory of products selected for a job in tblJobItems. I have a
transaction table that keeps track of how much of each product was used each
day, tblDailyUsage.

I want to create a continuous form that lists each of the products and next
to it shows the text control for that days usage, empty and ready to be
filled in. My problem is that a continuous form can not have a subform. If
it could I would set the subform property to Data Entry.

My end users want to be able to quickly fill in the days usage, for each
item, without have to move around much.

Any solutions?

okay, you have a tblJobs, i presume? and a tblProducts? and one job may have
many products, and each product may be used in many jobs? so you have a
linking table between the two, named tblJobItems, to store the specific
products used for each specific job, correct? and you have a tblDailyUsage,
which is linked to tblJobs, to store the number of transactions for each
product used in a job each day.

if the above describes your setup, suggest the following: an unbound main
form, with a combo box listing all the jobs, and a textbox control to enter
a date. a subform, set to Datasheet view, and bound to a query based on
tblDailyUsage. set criteria in the query as

JobIDfk = Forms!MainForm!cboJobs And DateField = Forms!MainForm!DateControl

add a command button to the main form to run an Append query that adds a
record to tblDailyUsage for each product assigned to the selected job, along
with the date entered in the date control, and then requeries the subform.

so the user opens the form, chooses a job from the combo box, enters the
date, then clicks the command button. the product records for the
appropriate job appear in the subform, with the date pre-filled. all the
user has to do is go down the list and enter the day's usage for each
