D865GBF board SATA driver

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I am wanting to add a SATA drive for my system, however, I am unable to move
forward unless I download the driver from Intel. If you read below as it says
on their site, you need to have a password. They call it an Entitlement Code.
When I click on the page for a customer service rep, it refers me to a line
to pay for as an incidental charge. I sent Intel an email and have yet to
hear back.

Anyone know anything about this? Thanks.

Serial ATA QFE Update†


† The web distribution rights granted to Intel for the SATA QFE update
requires the update be made available only through password-protected web
sites. Logon and Password information to download this update is available on
the flyer enclosed with the boxed Intel desktop board.
The 865 uses the ICH5R,you should go to downloads at intel,chip-sets,software,
matrix storage mgr,scroll down to the drivers for the floppy,you dont need a
password.The older drivers for that board used application accelerator,which
has been replaced by matrix.
I doubt that you need this to install a SATA drive on an 865 system.

If you aren't installing a RAID (0 or 1) pair, I believe that you can
install a SATA drive using the drivers in XP. (I did this more than a year
ago on system with an Asus P4P800 board. My memory is hazy on the subject,
but I believe that I didn't need to do the F6 thing. I subsequently went
with RAID 0.) If you want RAID, the drivers another poster mentioned
(http://support.intel.com/support/chipsets/imsm/) are the right ones.

If you wish to do a fresh install of XP on a SATA RAID pair, it would be
helpful to have a floppy drive. There are supposed to be work-arounds for
this, like slipstreaming the RAID drivers into an XP installation CD, but I
haven't tried them. It would usually be simpler to install a floppy drive.

Just for luck, I tried a quick Google search for the password you request.
It's USB24me (case sensitive). I tested that: it works.

Address scrambled. Replace nkbob with bobkn.
I got the driver, but it will not let me install because I have service pack
2. No chance of going back to service pack 1 because my OEM CD is comes with
service pack 2.