Hi,I was wondering if anyone could help me.Anytime I try
to send something to my d drive,I get this message
saying,the item D:\thats this shortcut refers to has been
remove or moved.So,this shortcut no longer works properly.
Nearest match based on size,date:C\documents and
settings\cel-2ghz\\local settings\settin\temprobo2.I can't
seem to save any of my files to a cd.But,I have no problem
recording cd's of music
Thank you
to send something to my d drive,I get this message
saying,the item D:\thats this shortcut refers to has been
remove or moved.So,this shortcut no longer works properly.
Nearest match based on size,date:C\documents and
settings\cel-2ghz\\local settings\settin\temprobo2.I can't
seem to save any of my files to a cd.But,I have no problem
recording cd's of music
Thank you