Kevin said:
I am trying to downlaod a CD program and my computer is not
recognizing my D Drive. Anyone know why or how I can get it working.
The A drive is being read. help!
Did the drive ever work? If so, what changed? You will need to give more
information about your computer for focused troubleshooting. Is this an
upgrade from an older operating system? In the meantime, here are some
troubleshooting steps to take, making one change at a time and testing
after each change:
1. Is the drive being seen in the BIOS? If not, this is definitely a
hardware problem and not software (Windows).
2. If the drive is being seen in the BIOS, try the cdgone patch from Jim
3. If the drive is not being seen in the BIOS, with the computer
unplugged open the case and reseat all connectors to the drive. If that
doesn't help, see #4.
4. Swap out the ribbon cable for a known-working one. If that doesn't
help, replace the drive.
That should give you something to work with. If you need more help, post
back with more information and the results of your troubleshooting.