Many people still have dial-up access only. They don't have an
always-on connection to the internet so they can't just click on a url
to see what a program does. It would be helpful if you could provide a
synopsis of what the program does when making an announcement.
D-BROWSE uses Henrik Haftman's DOSLFNME driver to enable it to deal
with long file names in a bare DOS environment. Also included in the
ZIP are CTMOUSE (Cutemouse) and XMSDSK drivers, the latter to create a
RAM drive. A included README.TXT supplies basic information. A special
MAKEBOOT program I designed is also included. It creates a boot disk
for use with the program on a Win 98 or ME PC. The special boot disk
creates a suitable DOS environment for running D-BROWSE.
D-BROWSE is a hard drive browser with a number of capabilites. It
supplies detailed information on files, and offers several file
modification functions including a powerful hex editor, the ability to
set attributes, and three different types of time stamps. You can also
scan files for strings in either text or hex.
You can Tag multiple files to be Moved or Copied. There are file and
folder Find capabilities. A Help screen is built in.
Version 1.01 with some cosmetic improvements will be up later today.