Cycling through every Email in a Folder and Appending data To a TextFile

  • Thread starter Thread starter R Tanner
  • Start date Start date

R Tanner


I am using the following code to cycle through every email in a
specific folder and then parse data to a text file. The code skips
emails though. In the middle of the code, you will see a line that
says 'MsgBox MyItems.Count'. This returns the correct number of items
in my mailbox, but when I run the code, it does not parse every email
into the text file. Sometimes it skips 1, or 2. It is not
consistent. Every email is the same. They are generated by a website
and sent to me.

Sub LogInformation()

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim MyItems As Outlook.Items
Dim MyFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim arrdata() As Variant
Dim Msg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim MsgBody As String
Dim MsgLines As Variant
Dim MsgLine As Variant
Dim FirstRecord As Integer
Dim MostRecentDate As Date
Dim NextDate As Date
Dim I As Integer

Const FeedbackScores As String = "Q:\Operations\Feedback Scores.LOG"

Set olApp = Outlook.Application
Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set MyFolder =
Set MyItems = MyFolder.Items

FileNum = FreeFile
FirstRecord = 1

Open FeedbackScores For Input Lock Write As #FileNum

Do Until EOF(FileNum)
Line Input #FileNum, Data
If Mid(Data, 3, 1) = "/" Then
If FirstRecord = 1 Then
MostRecentDate = Data
FirstRecord = FirstRecord + 1
NextDate = Data
FirstRecord = FirstRecord + 1
If NextDate > MostRecentDate Then
MostRecentDate = NextDate
End If
End If
End If

Close #FileNum

I = 1

Open FeedbackScores For Append As #FileNum

MsgBox MyItems.Count

For I = 1 To MyItems.Count
Set Msg = MyItems.Item(I)
MsgBody = Msg.Body
MsgLines = Split(MsgBody, vbCrLf)
For Each MsgLine In MsgLines
If InStr(1, MsgLine, "Overall service rating",
vbTextCompare) Then
Print #FileNum, MsgLine
Print #FileNum, Left(Msg.Subject, 4)
End If
If InStr(1, MsgLine, "Assisting Agent Name:",
vbTextCompare) Then
Print #FileNum, MsgLine
End If
If InStr(1, MsgLine, "Additional Comments", vbTextCompare)
Print #FileNum, MsgLine
Print #FileNum, Msg.ReceivedTime
End If

I = I + 1

MsgBox I

Close #FileNum

End Sub
I = I + 1

You are incrementing the loop counter within the loop. Don't do that. Let
the For loop increment it's own counter. Without a Step clause it's doing a
Step 1 anyway.
 I = I + 1

You are incrementing the loop counter within the loop. Don't do that. Let
the For loop increment it's own counter. Without a Step clause it's doinga
Step 1 anyway.

- Show quoted text -

duh. Okay Thank you Ken. Sometimes I wonder if I should really be