Hello Jeff
Thanks for your further reply.
OK: you asked for it!
The 'particular action' that needs to happen for each of the records that
was hoping to loop through is in fact two procedures, the 2nd of which
contains 3 sub-procedures. The first main procedure is to build an XML
and the 2nd main procedure is to send the XML file to a government server.
The sub-procedures involve polling the government server, checking for
response, and recording the 'submission complete' response. All this works
fine, one at a time, but now I'm just trying to allow the process to run
a batched job. Typically it will need to be done for 50-100 individual
records, once/month, with each record representing an employee - for whom
there is data in 4 tables that needs to be included in the XML file.
It occurs to me that it is only the first procedure (the creation of the
file) that takes data from the current form ([staffs subform new]), where
was intending to loop through the records. This first procedure uses the
recordset below, and - if I understand your suggestion correctly - perhaps
it would be better to put this strSQL expression into a loop rather that
looping the form: is that what you had in mind? If so ... I would need
Hope you don't give up on me.
Thanks again
The recordset that is used to create the XML file is:
strSQL = "SELECT [x confirmed].[name], practices.[prac name],
confirmed].period) AS MaxOfperiod, Sum([x confirmed].[pay liable for tax
AS [SumOfpay liable for tax 5], Last([x confirmed].[ytd tax due 6]) AS
[LastOfytd tax due 6], Sum([x confirmed].[ytd tax due 6]) AS [SumOfytd tax
due 6], Sum([x confirmed].[tax pd in mth 7]) AS [SumOftax pd in mth 7],
Sum([x confirmed].[oride tax ytd 6]) AS [SumOforide tax ytd 6], Sum([x
confirmed].[pay liable tax mth]) AS [SumOfpay liable tax mth], Sum([x
confirmed].[overide pay]) AS [SumOfoveride pay], Sum([SumOftaxable pay
2]+[overide pay]) AS [p11 pay ytd], practices.add1, practices.add2,
practices.add3, practices.postcode, practices.[paye ref], practices.[tax
district no], staffs.[mth 1 basis], [staffs]![Tax code no] & [staffs]![Tax
code ltr] AS [c tax cod], staffs.[first name], staffs.surname, staffs.DOB,
staffs.[leaving date], staffs.[staff add1], staffs.[staff add2],
staffs.[staff add3], staffs.[staff postcode], staffs.[type name],
staffs.title, "
strSQL = strSQL & "Last([x confirmed].[SumOftaxable pay 2]) AS
[LastOfSumOftaxable pay 2], staffs.[NI number], staffs.[date left prev
staffs.[student loan], Sum(IIf([months]![month name] Not Like 'prev' &
'*',[x confirmed]![pay liable tax mth],0)) AS [this emp taxable pay],
Sum(IIf([months]![month name] Not Like 'prev' & '*',[x confirmed]![tax pd
in mth 7],0)) AS [this emp tax], staffs.sex, staffs.[tax code ltr],
staffs.[tax code no], staffs.[employment start], staffs.[prev paye
staffs.[prev monthorweek], staffs.[prev paye ref], Sum(IIf([months]![month
name] Like 'prev' & '*',[x confirmed]![pay liable tax mth],0)) AS [pre emp
taxable pay], Sum(IIf([months]![month name] Like 'prev' & '*',[x
confirmed]![tax pd in mth 7],0)) AS [pre emp tax], IIf([months]![month
Like 'prev' & '*',IIf([month number] Mod 12=0,12,[month number] Mod 12),0)
AS [pre emp period] "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM (practices INNER JOIN staffs ON
practices.[prac name] = staffs.practice) INNER JOIN (months INNER JOIN [x
confirmed] ON months.[month name] = [x confirmed].[month name]) ON
staffs.name = [x confirmed].name "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE ((([x confirmed].[month number]) > " &
[Forms]![frm x main]![number] - [Forms]![frm x main]![period] & ")) "
'strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE [x confirmed].[month number] > " &
[Forms]![frm x main]![number]
strSQL = strSQL & "GROUP BY [x confirmed].name, practices.[prac
name], practices.add1, practices.add2, practices.add3, practices.postcode,
practices.[paye ref], practices.[tax district no], staffs.[date left prev
emp], staffs.[mth 1 basis], [staffs]![Tax code no] & [staffs]![Tax code
ltr], staffs.[first name], staffs.surname, staffs.DOB, staffs.[leaving
date], staffs.[staff add1], staffs.[staff add2], staffs.[staff add3],
staffs.[staff postcode], staffs.title, staffs.[NI number], staffs.[student
loan], staffs.sex, staffs.[tax code ltr], staffs.[type name], staffs.[tax
code no], staffs.[employment start], staffs.[prev paye office],
monthorweek], staffs.[prev paye ref], IIf([months]![month name] Like
& '*',IIf([month number] Mod 12=0,12,[month number] Mod 12),0) "
strSQL = strSQL & "HAVING ((([x confirmed].name)=" & Chr(34) &
[Forms]![staffs subform new]![name] & Chr(34) & "))"
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY [x confirmed].Name" 'is this needed to
avoid "too few parameters - expected 3" error?
Jeff Boyce said:
I guess I'm not real clear on what you want to have happen.
Repeated setting (then re-setting, then re-setting, ...) a filter will allow
you to do ... ?
If you step back from the "how" and consider the "what", what business need
will you be able to satisfy by "performing an action on a subset of the
records". For instance, I can imagine that someone with a list of folks and
their email addresses might want to update the list to show those to whom an
email was sent.
Depending on what you need to accomplish, it may still be less work to
use a
query. For instance, if you had a sublist of folks in my example who
to be sent an email, you could use that sublist, joined to the table in a
query, to do an update on the table.
?More info, please...
Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
Leslie Isaacs said:
Hello Jeff
Thanks for your reply.
As I mentioned in the initial post, I am very aware that the field 'name'
is normally a no-no, but I inherited this application, it's complex ...
and it does work!! Also, I am sure that this field is not the problem here
because it is recognised and handled correctly by the MsgBox command
within the loop.
Regarding the possibility of using a query instead of looping, this
really wouldn't be feasible in this case - at least not without a great
deal of recoding in the main process. I had felt pretty sure that it would
be simpler to loop through the records: I realise that this will be
slower, but in fact the process once initiated could be left unattended
for however long it takes.
Hope that explains things better!
Thanks for any further advice.
First, it appears you have a field named "name" -- Access treats
as a reserved word, and may not "mean" the same thing that you do.
Next, you appear to be iterating/looping through a recordset. Is there
chance you could use a query instead to perform set-level operations
of one-by-one?
Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
Hello All
I have a form [staffs subform new] that is normally in single form
I need to cycle through a subset of the records and perform a
action on them (this action takes a number of parameters from the
record on [staffs subform new]). Normally this is done by manually
each record in turn, and then initiating the action, but I have
particular action such that it would now be feasible - and far more
efficient - if the whole process (for all the required records) could
initiated from single mouse-click. The procedure I have is below. The
required action would go in place of the MsgBox command, which is just
to help me get this working. The problem I'm having is that the filter
only to work once (the form moves to the first expected record), then
asked for a parameter value !name. Yes, I know 'name' is probably the
ultimate in bad naming protocols - but I inherited this and in fact
everything generally works! In any case, the line
MsgBox ("Found " & !name)
is working every time, so in the loop access is getting the correct
!name. It's just that the form does not move on to the next record.
I think this is probably something simple - but I'm blowed if I can
Hope someone can help.
Many thanks
Leslie Isaacs
My code:
Private Sub Command919_Click()
Dim rstS As Recordset
Set rstS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset( _
"SELECT staffs.practice, staffs.name, staffs.[leaving date],
staffs.[P45 pt1 to IR], staffs.payroll, staffs.[NI code],
staffs.hasLEFT "
"from staffs " & _
"WHERE (((staffs.[P45 pt1 to IR]) Is Null) AND
'Me.FilterOn = False
With rstS
If .RecordCount Then
Do Until .EOF
Me.Filter = "[forms]![staffs subform new]![Text544]
Me.FilterOn = True
MsgBox ("Found " & !name)
End If
End With
End Sub