Hi, is there a way that can be done to change the file types displayed in the
Save As dialog box?
When using the Save As dialog box, it filters the files within the target
directory to only show those of the save type, eg if a folder has .pdf and
..doc files in it and I am saving a .doc file, I cannot see the .pdf files.
I am trying to see all file types in the save as target directory
irrespective of the type of file I am saving.
Save As dialog box?
When using the Save As dialog box, it filters the files within the target
directory to only show those of the save type, eg if a folder has .pdf and
..doc files in it and I am saving a .doc file, I cannot see the .pdf files.
I am trying to see all file types in the save as target directory
irrespective of the type of file I am saving.