John Christian
This is primarily for Rachel Cardoza (or, I suppose, anyone else who might
know the answer)...
Rachel, in your excellent QUE book on Oulook 2003, you talk about the
possibility of customizing the BCM forms. Specifically, about changing some
of the field labels and customizing the drop-downs. Now that BCM is
officially out, do you know if this is still possible? I know the current
official MS response is that you can't change anything. Has anyone tried it
yet? What about simply adding another tab to each form and putting my
fields of interest in that?
know the answer)...
Rachel, in your excellent QUE book on Oulook 2003, you talk about the
possibility of customizing the BCM forms. Specifically, about changing some
of the field labels and customizing the drop-downs. Now that BCM is
officially out, do you know if this is still possible? I know the current
official MS response is that you can't change anything. Has anyone tried it
yet? What about simply adding another tab to each form and putting my
fields of interest in that?