Thank you Patrice for fast answer!
The ASHX handler seems to work faster but as you wrote, it will not solve
the main problem with the ASP.NET headers. I did some tests and found that
still have performance problem. ASP.NET is not able to deliver 30 JPEG
with 800*600 pixels / second. I still need to work with the HTTP stream
directly. Is there any way to handle the HTTP stream directly or do I need
build a dll for ASP or an external web server?
Is there any existing solution or sample who handles MJPEG with ASP.NET?
I'm working with a server product that will capture MJPEG frames from an
camera and store this frames on a server. The frames will then be
as a video on a Web page.
Here is a part of code used for tests:
oResponse.BufferOutput = true;
oResponse.ContentType = "multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=myboundary";
oResponse.CacheControl = "no-cache";
for( ix = 0; ix < iFramesInBuffer; ix++ )
sBundary = "--myboundary\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\nContent-Length: "
+ images[ ix ].FrameSize.ToString() + sSeparator;
boundary = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( sBundary );
oResponse.OutputStream.Write( boundary , 0 , boundary.Length );
oResponse.OutputStream.Write( images[ ix ].Frame , 0 , images[ ix
].FrameSize );
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 10 );
// Stefan
Patrice said:
If with ASPX you have no way to suppress it, you could likely do that
with a
custom handler.
See (even if you can, by using an
handler you'll bypass the webform infrastructure you likely don't need in
this particular case so you may want to try directly a handler).
"Stefan Soljemo" <
[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
groupe de discussion :
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