On 29 Gru, 20:21, Paul G. Tobey [eMVP] <paultobey _at_ earthlink _dot_
net> wrote:
So, you've not told us 1) what version of Windows CE you are using or if you
are using Windows Mobile,
Windows Mobile 6 (both profesional and standard)
2) what browser you are using (the availability of
several depends on what version of CE, of course), 3) whether you are trying
to customize a binary version of the browser or if you have the source code,
Sorry, not enough informations

I'm developing application in c# (CF .Net 2.0) on WM6 (pro/standard).
I'm using control System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser so I don't have
sources of that.
4) whether you are willing to accept a change to the color of all scroll bars
as the price of changing the color of the one in your browser.
Yes if all scrollbars means all scrollbars only in my application
(probably next step will be changing scrollbar color in listview)

If all scrollbars in all applications that probably not but I can
consider that (workarround - changing default color for scrollbar when
my application get/lost focus).
Or maybe do you know any webbrowser control which I could use (LGPL or
similar license - I must use it in commercial application).
The best if it would be for free

I heard about resco controls but not sure if I can change colors there.