Outlook 2002 /Word 2002 /Office XP / W98se
Perhaps they'll be an answer in this group instead of Outlook.General, where
this has sat - more or less - ignored, or in best case scenario, answered
ineffectively, more than two days ago. No return reply from this person
since then.
I don't mean to rile anyone with this "preface", but it's quite frustrating
to sit here and wait interminably.
N.B. - I waited for ~ 2 days before 'reposting' this question. I didn't
cross-post/multi-newsgroup post either.
I realize - and can plainly see - that the MS Outlook newsgroups are *filled
to the brim* with constant problems, but can't anyone Follow-up / Watch /
Flag any question they initially volunteer to reply to ? (even I know how to
do that)
If there's no follow-up, what's the point of initially "trying to help" ?
<paste of where this question was last left>
Renaming didn't work.
Renamed to Outcmd.old while Outlook was closed.
Launched Outlook, and all was normal.
Closed Outlook.
Re-launched Outlook.
Tried "Customize".
Outlook Froze; GUI wouldn't re-draw properly'
Ctrl-Alt-Del Outlook.
No new Outcmd.dat file was created.
Re-launch Outlook:
The data file 'Personal folder' was not closed properly. .... checking for
The data file 'Archive folder' was not closed properly. .... checking for
Renamed Outcmd.old back to Outcmd.dat
Now I'm here. Any other suggestions ?
Thanks for the reply and your help.
in message
Perhaps they'll be an answer in this group instead of Outlook.General, where
this has sat - more or less - ignored, or in best case scenario, answered
ineffectively, more than two days ago. No return reply from this person
since then.
I don't mean to rile anyone with this "preface", but it's quite frustrating
to sit here and wait interminably.
N.B. - I waited for ~ 2 days before 'reposting' this question. I didn't
cross-post/multi-newsgroup post either.
I realize - and can plainly see - that the MS Outlook newsgroups are *filled
to the brim* with constant problems, but can't anyone Follow-up / Watch /
Flag any question they initially volunteer to reply to ? (even I know how to
do that)
If there's no follow-up, what's the point of initially "trying to help" ?
<paste of where this question was last left>
Renaming didn't work.
Renamed to Outcmd.old while Outlook was closed.
Launched Outlook, and all was normal.
Closed Outlook.
Re-launched Outlook.
Tried "Customize".
Outlook Froze; GUI wouldn't re-draw properly'
Ctrl-Alt-Del Outlook.
No new Outcmd.dat file was created.
Re-launch Outlook:
The data file 'Personal folder' was not closed properly. .... checking for
The data file 'Archive folder' was not closed properly. .... checking for
Renamed Outcmd.old back to Outcmd.dat
Now I'm here. Any other suggestions ?

Thanks for the reply and your help.
in message
You may have a corrupted outcmd.dat file. This is the file that stores your
toolbar customizations, and when it becomes corrupted, Outlook can't use it
at startup to build your toolbars, thus causing the hangups. Try renaming or
deleting your outcmd.dat file while Outlook is closed. Renaming it might be
the best idea if you have a lot of customizations that you'd prefer not to
lose; that way if renaming the file doesn't solve your problem, you may be
able to restore it later when you do get Outlook working properly again.
Jocelyn Fiorello
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