G Guest Aug 10, 2006 #2 You'll need to explain what you want to achieve! You cant actually do very much though! -- _____________________________ John Wilson Microsoft Certified Office Specialist http://www.technologytrish.co.uk/ppttipshome.html
You'll need to explain what you want to achieve! You cant actually do very much though! -- _____________________________ John Wilson Microsoft Certified Office Specialist http://www.technologytrish.co.uk/ppttipshome.html
L Luc Aug 10, 2006 #3 Payman, If you mean customize like in Word then I'm afraid you are out of luck. Only thing you can do is change the bullets using a picture. If you really want to get creative with the bullets have a look at these blog articles by Troy Collar.
Payman, If you mean customize like in Word then I'm afraid you are out of luck. Only thing you can do is change the bullets using a picture. If you really want to get creative with the bullets have a look at these blog articles by Troy Collar.
L Luc Aug 12, 2006 #4 Payman S, Forgot the link: http://pptblog.tlccreative.com/index.php/all?s=bullets&sentence=AND