My Network Places shortcuts are files placed in a hidden folder in the local
users profile in:
%SystemDrive%:\Documents and Settings\%username%\NetHood
This path is defnied in the following registry key:
Nethood - %SystemDrive%:\Documents and Settings\%username%\NetHood
When a change is made to the abvoe key this corresponding key is modified:
Shell Folders
NetHood - %SystemDrive%:\Documents and Settings\%username%\NetHood
I was unable o find a policy in Windows 2000 or XP that enables redirection
of the Nethood folder. I was able however to modify the registry entry and
redirect Nethood to a different folder in this case "newhood" only after a
reboot did the change take effect. I tried to simply stop and start some
services to get around the reboot however I was unable to do so. Hppefully
The above information in conjunction with the articles below will assist you
in resolving this problem.
210327 Manually Populating Network Neighborhood with Static Entries for
Browsing - This still applies to
2000 and XP.
C:\Documents and Settings\buzb\Newhood
You may find this article helpful as well:
242578 HOW TO: Prevent Network Share Shortcuts from Being Added to My
Buz Brodin
MCSE NT4 / Win2K
Microsoft Enterprise Domain Support
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