Not completely necessary about creating your own schema.
Here's what I did:
1. Create your own login form in a second unsecured database. Since it is unsecured
there will be no login prompt. You create a single pop-up, modal form in this database
and set it to be the Startup form.
2. They fill in their User Name and Password in the appropriate text boxes and hit an OK
button. Code behind the OK button opens up the secured database, passes in the
user name and password from the text boxes, and then closes the unsecured database.
To the user they never even know they are working with two databases for a brief second!
It works very nicely, but you have to realize that if the user name/password combination
entered is invalid, the user will still be presented with the default Access login form for the
secured database. But, it's really not that big of a deal to me.
This setup solved several problems for me:
- I needed a way to log into not only the main program, but a sample database as well.
A simple checkbox on my custom login screen accomplishes that.
- I needed an easy way to back up the BE tables (this is single workstation setup).
A simple button on the form copies the whole BE to a folder and date stamps it.
Since they're not accessing the tables from this unsecured database I don't have to worry
about corruption. Even if by chance the tables are being accessed my error handling
stops the process and flashes up a nice message box.
- I wanted to have a EULA form pop up first and have them agree to it before accessing
the main database program.
It works really, really nice for me.