Hi John,
How do I make my favorite customized bullet or number format the default
Word 2003
Windows XP Home
There really isn't a good way to change the default. Andre mentions that
the toolbar button will pick up the symbol you used last... In my
experience, this only works semi-reliably within the same document, but as
soon as I open a new document, it tends to revert to the internal default.
The most reliable method I've ever come across is to record setting the
bullet symbol you prefer in a macro. Assign the macro to a toolbar button
(and a keyboard shortcut, if you like) and use it instead of the button
that comes with Word.
Even better would probably be to set up a STYLE that uses the bullet symbol
you prefer, if you're up to styles

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)
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