Customised Msgbox buttons

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Gartrell
  • Start date Start date

David Gartrell

Hi Everyone,

I have another question which hopefully someone knows the answer to.... is
it possible to customise the buttons that available with the 'msgbox'
command as the usual 'Yes', 'No', 'OK' & cancel buttons aren't really
suitable for what I need. What I want to to do is to give the user the
option of running 1 of 2 different reports depending on which button he
clicks on the message box. So is there a way of having a message box with 3
different buttons on with button 1 saying 'report 1', button 2 saying
'report 2' and the third being a cancel button.

Thanks in advance

The standard message box is not capable of what you want. You can accomplish
the same thing by creating your own form. It will behave much like a message
box if you use acDialog as the Window Mode arguement of the OpenForm method.
That is, code is suspended until the dialog form closes, and you cannot do
anything the form does not allow, including accessing the menu, other object,