Customer look UP



I have a database that i use for placing order from my company website.

When i get a order i add the customer details and then type in the
products they have entered

As i am now getting repeat cusomers is there a was for when i enter a
new customer it can check that i do not have that customer on recored

Could you one recomened the best way to do this




What I would do is one of two things:

1. Make your customer field on the form a dropdown, so that when entering an
order you can see if the customer exists... and choose it if it does


2. Set the customer field in the customer table index propert to "YES NO

John Vinson

What I would do is one of two things:

1. Make your customer field on the form a dropdown, so that when entering an
order you can see if the customer exists... and choose it if it does


2. Set the customer field in the customer table index propert to "YES NO

Just DON'T use the customer name in this index!!!! Names are NOT
unique; you very well might get two customers who both happen to be
named Jim Smith.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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