I am trying to implement a custom validator Client Side.
I have the server side code working fine. I place the
below script below the body tag outside the <form> tag.
My if statement actually contains about 5 conditions.
The bigest thing is I want to dynamically configure the
error message. If I take out the object.ErrorMessage
= "TEST" then the control will pick up on the invalid
entry but I have no message displayed.
<Script language="vbscript" runat="server">
Sub ValidText(sender as object, arg as
IF Not isnumeric(arg.value) then
arg.isvalid = false
object.ErrorMessage = "Test"
end if
end sub
Does anyone know how to dynamcially display an error
I have the server side code working fine. I place the
below script below the body tag outside the <form> tag.
My if statement actually contains about 5 conditions.
The bigest thing is I want to dynamically configure the
error message. If I take out the object.ErrorMessage
= "TEST" then the control will pick up on the invalid
entry but I have no message displayed.
<Script language="vbscript" runat="server">
Sub ValidText(sender as object, arg as
IF Not isnumeric(arg.value) then
arg.isvalid = false
object.ErrorMessage = "Test"
end if
end sub
Does anyone know how to dynamcially display an error