Custom StringBuilder Marshaling

  • Thread starter Thread starter Olivier Matrot
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Olivier Matrot

I'm in the process of writing a managed c++ wrapper class to use existing
unmanaged C++ code.
So I have to deal with custom marshaling.
Given a StringBuilder, I need to produce a LPTSTR to call unmanaged code,
and get back a modified StringBuilder on return. How Can I safely access the
internal StringBuilder buffer ?
Given a StringBuilder, I need to produce a LPTSTR to call unmanaged code,
and get back a modified StringBuilder on return.

That sounds like the default marshaling for a StringBuilder. Can't you
just pass the StringBuilder as is and let the CLR handle the rest?

You're right, but I'm not going to use DllImport so, I need to do it by
Hi Olivier,

Based on my understanding, your scenario is:
1) You're writing a wrapper in managed C++ to wrap some unmanaged code
2) The input is a StringBuilder, the outout is also a StringBuilder
3) You don't want to use DllImport to do the marshaling of StringBuilder

Please correct me if I've misunderstood anything.

I believe you could use PtrToStringChars() to access the internal wchar_t*
of a managed string. For the reverse part, you could use
Marshal::PtrToStringAnsi or Uni to convert from ANSI or Unicode to a
managed string.

#StringConvertor : A convertor class for managed-unmanaged string
conversions that handles memory de-allocations - The Code Project - Managed
A convertor class for managed-unmanaged string conversions that handles
memory de-allocations. Caller need not worry about freeing unmanaged memory

#I Love that New Syntax Smell : Pointer to String chars - Everett style
Can I get a native pointer to the data in a CLR String? The short answer
is yes, so long as you don't mind a wchar_t* - which is native analog of
the actual backing store type for a CLR String (the CLR type System::Char).

#I Love that New Syntax Smell : Pinning Pointers
Pinning Pointers

#Managed C++ - Learn by Example - Part 1 - The Code Project - Managed C++
VC++ provides a helper function, PtrToStringChars(), defined in "vcclr.h"
that allows you to access the internal wchar_t* of a managed string.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
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Hi Walter,

You understand correctly. The problem is that PtrToStringChars is limited to
String, and I'm working with a stringBuilder. The unmanaged code must get a
buffer that is sized to the StringBuilder capacity ! PtrToStringChars will
work but will return a buffer sized to the actual length of the string which
is not what I need.

Ultimately, I could write an unmanaged DLL with a function that takes a
StringBuilder and get back the unmanaged buffer (this is done automatically
during DllImport interrop). Sure there is a more elegant way to achieve the
same result, in managed C++.
Hi Olivier,

Thanks for the update.

The DllImport marshalling of StringBuilder internally copies the buffer
instead of returning the pointer to the internal buffer directly; while the
PtrToStringChars will return the buffer pointer directly (see Pinning
Pointers for more info). So far I don't know a way how to return the buffer
pointer of StringBuilder directly. I'm afraid for now you might have to use
the DllImport approach as a workaround.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Thanks fot that, I'll copy the content in a pinned buffer allocated by hand.