Custom pivot formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter xiaohui
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I need help.. I have a column (Meet criteria) and the data is 'Yes' or 'No'.
When I do a pivot table, and I drag the field (Meet criteria) as column and
values, i will see 'No' and 'Yes' in column with their count.

Now I want to do a calculated field or item, that will get the % of
'Yes'/'Grand Total' (Grand Total is the total of 'No + Yes')

Pls advise the syntax to capture the value of 'Yes' in (Meet criteria) field.
You can change the display of the counts of Yes and No values to be the
percent of totals. In the pivot table, right-click on the cell with the
count of Yes results, and choose Field Settings. In the PivotTable Field
dialog box that comes up, click the Options button. From the 'Show data as:'
drop-list, choose "% Of".

That will change the counts to percents in your pivot.

Right click on any cell in the data area and select Field settings. Click
on the options button and in the Show as drop down, select % of column


Ashish Mathur
Microsoft Excel MVP