In Word 2002, I have equations (made with Word's equation
editor) that I need to number. The number must be on the
far right side of the line with the equation, must be
surrounded by parentheses and must have the form x.y,
where x is the chapter number in which the equation
appears and y is the number of the equation, which
restarts at 1 in each chapter. For example,
a = b + c (3.2)
Is there a way to make numbers like this that update
automatically as more equations are inserted? It seems
like fields such as SEQ or LISTNUM would work, but I don't
see how to get the chapter number or correct format with
editor) that I need to number. The number must be on the
far right side of the line with the equation, must be
surrounded by parentheses and must have the form x.y,
where x is the chapter number in which the equation
appears and y is the number of the equation, which
restarts at 1 in each chapter. For example,
a = b + c (3.2)
Is there a way to make numbers like this that update
automatically as more equations are inserted? It seems
like fields such as SEQ or LISTNUM would work, but I don't
see how to get the chapter number or correct format with