Custom menu's



Hi all,

I have designed a custom toolbar that I have attached to the
developing workbook, and then saved as an add in. I intend to
disseminate this to colleagues as an addin, however I also want them
to have the option of having the toolbar as a dropdown menu
(incorporated on the main "worksheet menu bar").

Is it possible to attach additional menus, like you can with toolbars?
Or permanently create a new menu in code?

If not, I guess it is necessary for the addin to automatically
generate the menu when it loads, but i cant work out how to do this.
Perhaps create a new menu, and then copy and paste each toolbar button
into it (again, not sure how though)? There are 10 or so buttons,
presumably you can iterate, but they all have custom names, button
images, and assigned macros.

If you are able to illustrate with code, much appreciated!



Bob Phillips


Take a look at the previous thread 'Excel Menus That Fold Out' in this
thread. It is on the same topic.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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