Unlike the other built-in drop down menus which show all their items
when they are invoked by pressing Alt+<Letter>, e.g. Alt+F shows,
Open..., Save, etc. The items in my custom menu are not listed when I
press Alt+R. How to solve it????? Many thanks.
Here is my code:
Sub CreateMenu()
Dim cbcPop as CommandBarControl
Dim cbcAnx as CommandBarControl
Set cbcPop = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet menu
cbcPop.Caption = "&RAM"
cbcPop.Visible = True
Set cbcAnx = cbcPop.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
cbcAnx.Visible = True
cbcAnx.Caption = "Create Annex &D"
cbcAnx.OnAction = "AnnexeD"
End Sub