Judy Ward
I have a column of IDs. Some are 4-digit numbers, some are 5-digit numbers
and some are a combination of numbers and text (varying lengths). I want to
add a leading zero to the 4-digit numbers.
I was wondering if it makes any difference whether I enter my own custom
format of "0####" or "00000". Both appear to work--I can't see any
difference in the results. I'm wondering if there are any "gotchas".
Later this data is imported to Access and stored as a text field. The
reason I need the leading zero is so that it will sort in ascending order as
a text field.
I would appreciate any words of wisdom on this subject.
Thank you,
and some are a combination of numbers and text (varying lengths). I want to
add a leading zero to the 4-digit numbers.
I was wondering if it makes any difference whether I enter my own custom
format of "0####" or "00000". Both appear to work--I can't see any
difference in the results. I'm wondering if there are any "gotchas".
Later this data is imported to Access and stored as a text field. The
reason I need the leading zero is so that it will sort in ascending order as
a text field.
I would appreciate any words of wisdom on this subject.
Thank you,