Custom exel functions

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Does anyone know of good websites detailing mathematical functions
In particuar I would like to explore the code of the excel Sum, Average an count functions and how this is coded in relation to the range paramter


I don't believe there is a site that details how sum, average and count are
implemented in code - in any event, they are not written in VB, but rather
in either assembler or C/C++.

I would expect that
Average is defined as sum/count

which would be done with a loop as in the following pseudo code.

cnt = 0
tot = 0
for each cell in Range("A1:A10")
if isnumeric(cell) then
tot = tot + cell.Value
cnt = cnt + 1
end if
Sum = tot
count = cnt
if cnt <> 0 then
average = tot/cnt
end if
Tom Ogilvy

Mark said:
Does anyone know of good websites detailing mathematical functions?
In particuar I would like to explore the code of the excel Sum, Average an
count functions and how this is coded in relation to the range paramter.

You are joking. You think that MS are going to publish their code for the
world to see and copy?



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Mark said:
Does anyone know of good websites detailing mathematical functions?
In particuar I would like to explore the code of the excel Sum, Average an
count functions and how this is coded in relation to the range paramter.