TextBoxEx1.DataBindings.Add("text", rst.DataTable, "FirstName")
I bind text property to datatable,
when I change the value of the text box from "Scott" to "Tom"
rst.DataTable.Rows(0).Item("FirstName") automatic change to "Tom" and that
the problem is rst.DataTable.Rows(0).RowState is unchanged. Should it be
"modified"??? any way it make automatic set to modified or anything other
than unchanged when the row did change.
I bind text property to datatable,
when I change the value of the text box from "Scott" to "Tom"
rst.DataTable.Rows(0).Item("FirstName") automatic change to "Tom" and that
the problem is rst.DataTable.Rows(0).RowState is unchanged. Should it be
"modified"??? any way it make automatic set to modified or anything other
than unchanged when the row did change.