I'm looking for a few tips as an inexperienced access
database programmer.
I have a table that contains field such as PersonNumber
(primary key), Surname and Name. The field type for person
number is Long Integer.
Then, I have a form, with which I want to add a new record
to this table, without using Access's New. navigation
button. I want the next available PersonNumber to appear
on the form in a TextBox say txtPersonNumber. Then text
boxes for the person' name are blank and provided for user
input, and once OK is hit, a new record must be created
and added to the table.
What is an efficient way of doing this? Must I write code
that looks at the last value of PersonNumber in the table,
and then add 1 to that number?
I know that there is the Autonumber field type, but I do
not want to use this. J
Please help!
Thanks in advance!
I'm looking for a few tips as an inexperienced access
database programmer.
I have a table that contains field such as PersonNumber
(primary key), Surname and Name. The field type for person
number is Long Integer.
Then, I have a form, with which I want to add a new record
to this table, without using Access's New. navigation
button. I want the next available PersonNumber to appear
on the form in a TextBox say txtPersonNumber. Then text
boxes for the person' name are blank and provided for user
input, and once OK is hit, a new record must be created
and added to the table.
What is an efficient way of doing this? Must I write code
that looks at the last value of PersonNumber in the table,
and then add 1 to that number?
I know that there is the Autonumber field type, but I do
not want to use this. J
Please help!
Thanks in advance!