Custom Calendar webcontrol



I have a dilemna. Currently I have created a custom calendar webcontrol that a user can
select and will dump the date along with some specialized information set in the tooltip.
It actually is working great. However I am having the same second thoughts about the
control as everyone else because of all the real estate it takes up so I would like to
add a button to alternately hide/display the calendar control. The only problem is that
if I customize it further by adding it to a panel with a button I lose the ability to have
the "tooltip" keyword when invoking my class on my ASPX page. Since the class
inherits from container (as opposed to previously when it was a solitary derviation
of the Calendar class).

My question is if I stay with my derived (custom) Calendar class can I somehow add some
sort of button that would appear on or next to the calendar so I can still squirrel away
my information in the tooltip? I tried ADDing a button to the controls of the Calendar but
that obviously failed....

Or if I create a custom class that creates the container and adds the calendar and button,
is there another spot (like tooltip) where specialized information can be configured in one of
the keywords in the callout on the ASP.NET page? Any suggestions that anyone can provide
would be greatly appreciated!!!!



I actually dug deeper and found that my custom container was inheriting Control vs. Webcontrol
Once I used WebControl I then had access to the tooltip and was able to progress from there....
I have a dilemna. Currently I have created a custom calendar webcontrol that a user can
select and will dump the date along with some specialized information set in the tooltip.
It actually is working great. However I am having the same second thoughts about the
control as everyone else because of all the real estate it takes up so I would like to
add a button to alternately hide/display the calendar control. The only problem is that
if I customize it further by adding it to a panel with a button I lose the ability to have
the "tooltip" keyword when invoking my class on my ASPX page. Since the class
inherits from container (as opposed to previously when it was a solitary derviation
of the Calendar class).

My question is if I stay with my derived (custom) Calendar class can I somehow add some
sort of button that would appear on or next to the calendar so I can still squirrel away
my information in the tooltip? I tried ADDing a button to the controls of the Calendar but
that obviously failed....

Or if I create a custom class that creates the container and adds the calendar and button,
is there another spot (like tooltip) where specialized information can be configured in one of
the keywords in the callout on the ASP.NET page? Any suggestions that anyone can provide
would be greatly appreciated!!!!


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