[email protected],
Question 2.
Option 1.
Right click an open spot on your desktop and select New ->
Shortcut from the menu.
This should launch the Create Shortcut wizard.
Enter the following in the location box,
Hit the Next button.
Name your new shortcut Control Panel.
Hit the finish button.
Right click the Control Panel shortcut and select Properties
from the menu.
Click on the Shortcut tab.
Hit the "Change Icon" button.
You should get a warning message.
Click OK.
Select the correct icon, 2nd row 6th item, and click OK.
Option 2.
If you're using the XP style Start menu and you have Control
Panel displayed in the right hand column you can drag and drop
a shortcut to your desktop by using the right mouse button.
Option 3.
Open Control Panel.
Click on the Restore Down button in the upper right corner of
the window so that it's not opened full screen. Note: The
Restore button is to the left of the red X.
Move your mouse pointer over the Control Panel icon in the
Address bar until it turns into a hand.
Right click and hold down the mouse button.
Drag the mouse pointer onto your Desktop.
Release the right mouse button.
Select "Create shortcuts here" from the menu.