


Is there any way, in a text box, to make the Cursor white so it's

Thanks - Kirk


Why would you want to do that? A textbox is a control where the user can type
something. You shouls use a lable instead, and make it's background white or
whichever color you like.


T.Janssens (Pro-Profit)


Why would you want to do that?

Because the text box is being used to display a carefully formatted
string. The cursor is both unnecessary and distracting.
A textbox is a control where the user can type
something. You shouls use a lable instead, and make it's background white or
whichever color you like.

I'm fairly new to this and may be wrong, but I thought a label
didn't have scroll bars and couldn't grow to fit the text.

Cheers - Kirk


As long as the user does not need to interact with the text, you can
..Enabled=false for the textbox.
You will lose the scroll bars though.
However, Tamar suggestion of a label may work better.
You can set the label's AutoSize=True, .Width to something suitable,
No scroll bars, but you can't have everything <g>.



As long as the user does not need to interact with the text, you can
.Enabled=false for the textbox.
You will lose the scroll bars though.
However, Tamar suggestion of a label may work better.
You can set the label's AutoSize=True, .Width to something suitable,
No scroll bars, but you can't have everything <g>.

So true - and very frustrating ! But I've got a lot further than
It's a bugger that outputting to the screen is so inflexible.

I don't suppose adding scroll bars to the form would work with the
textbox (or label). Probably not...

I even tried making an image up to cover the cursor, but you can't
have an image on a textbox either. In the end I positioned the cursor
in the least obtrusive place.

I'll play with .Enabled=false because the scrollbars
are only needed where more than 21 lines are output.

Many thanks - Kirk

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