Hi Sharon....Thanks for you reply.
I tried your solution, but it didn't change anything. I've seen this
problem happen with W98se before, and I always had to reinstall the OS in
order to correct it.....Or that was my way of fixing it, lol. I just
reinstalled XP Home last week and it didn't fix it either. Is it possible
for the sound driver to cause this?
Maybe my reinstall was flawed somewhat. I forgot to disconnect some of the
USB devices and maybe it could have confused XP just a bit? The pc sure
boots up faster than before though.
While it's remotely possible (have seen stranger things happen on
computers) that it's the sound driver, it is not likely. Video drivers are
usually suspect because at times they go to war with the mouse drivers over
who should draw the cursor - when and where. So this is always a good place
to start when working on a cursor problem. Mouse drivers, as the others
have suggested, isn't a bad way to go either. A banged up driver cannot
work properly.
Another reason for a slow cursor is that it's having a hard time finding
processing time to update the drawing of the cursor. It works on a lower
priority - grabbing "spare" slices of CPU time. This is why you often see
"check for malware" recommended for these situations. Any out of control
program (poorly written software which often includes malware -or- damaged
software) could be at fault.
This is harder to troubleshoot. Of course check the system for malware and
virus. But from there it's basically a process of elimination:
when I do A, mouse is fine; if I do A+B, it starts slowing down and so on.
Your gut feeling is probably due to -- well, a battery of errors (programs
or even operating system) will make the system struggle to resolve the
errors. Because of the "low priority" for the mouse, it can seem to drag.
So understandably, you're viewing the slow behavior as "the tip of the