Cursor Speed

  • Thread starter Thread starter rustyfender04
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Hi all,

What is the root cause of slow cursor speed?....Not the blinking speed, but
the left & right movement speed.

Seems like that has always been a precursor to a corrupted operating system
to me.

Any thoughts?
you can check control panel, open the keyboard applet, and adjust the repeat
delay and repeat rate.

further, some applications can take too much cpu cycles that affect the
speed of which the cursor on the screen responds.

hope this helps.

Thanks Dennis,

I found that option, but I can't seem to to get the speed back up to the
default level....And to beat it all, I just reinstalled xp home a few days

(I've experienced this problem with W98se too, but a reinstall of the OS
would fix things.)

My pc really boots up fast now since the reinstall, but I am at a loss to
figure out how to fix the cursor speed.

rustyfender04 said:
Thanks Dennis,

I found that option, but I can't seem to to get the speed back up to
the default level....And to beat it all, I just reinstalled xp home a
few days ago!

(I've experienced this problem with W98se too, but a reinstall of the
OS would fix things.)

My pc really boots up fast now since the reinstall, but I am at a loss
to figure out how to fix the cursor speed.


If you just reinstalled Windows, perhaps you forgot to install drivers
for your machine's hardware - motherboard, video (which could be
causing the cursor problem), touchpad if a laptop, etc. If you did not
install drivers, then you need to do so. Never get drivers from Windows
Update. Get them from:

1. The device mftr.'s website; OR
2. The motherboard mftr.'s website if hardware is onboard; OR
3. The OEM's website for your specific machine if you have an OEM
computer (HP, Dell, Sony, etc.).

Read the installation instructions on the website where you get the

To find out what hardware is in your computer:

1. Read any documentation you got when you bought the computer.
2. If the computer is OEM, go to the OEM's website for your specific
model machine and look at the specs (you'll be there to get the drivers
3. Download, install and run a free system inventory program like Belarc
Advisor. The older Aida32 is good for this, too. - Belarc Advisor - Aida32 (hosted on Jim Eshelman's site)

Hi all,

What is the root cause of slow cursor speed?....Not the blinking speed, but
the left & right movement speed.

Seems like that has always been a precursor to a corrupted operating system
to me.

Any thoughts?

Lots of possible reasons for a slow cursor. Often it is related to the
video drivers. You can test this by reducing hardware acceleration in
Display Properties> Settings> Advanced> Troubleshoot. Move the slider way
down. May need to restart for the change to take effect. Test cursor

If there's no improvement, look for a different cause than video drivers.

If there's an improvement, move it back to where it was. Then try
reinstalling the display drivers. If updated drivers are available, may
want to give those a try instead.

If reinstalling display drivers (or installing new) did not help, you can
go back to hardware acceleration. Again, move the slider all the way down.
Test. Go back again and move it up a notch. Test again. Repeat until you
get as far as you can without the problem reappearing. Leave it this way
until an updated driver is released that might fix the problem.
Hi Sharon....Thanks for you reply.

I tried your solution, but it didn't change anything. I've seen this
problem happen with W98se before, and I always had to reinstall the OS in
order to correct it.....Or that was my way of fixing it, lol. I just
reinstalled XP Home last week and it didn't fix it either. Is it possible
for the sound driver to cause this?

Maybe my reinstall was flawed somewhat. I forgot to disconnect some of the
USB devices and maybe it could have confused XP just a bit? The pc sure
boots up faster than before though.

Hi Sharon....Thanks for you reply.

I tried your solution, but it didn't change anything. I've seen this
problem happen with W98se before, and I always had to reinstall the OS in
order to correct it.....Or that was my way of fixing it, lol. I just
reinstalled XP Home last week and it didn't fix it either. Is it possible
for the sound driver to cause this?

Maybe my reinstall was flawed somewhat. I forgot to disconnect some of the
USB devices and maybe it could have confused XP just a bit? The pc sure
boots up faster than before though.


While it's remotely possible (have seen stranger things happen on
computers) that it's the sound driver, it is not likely. Video drivers are
usually suspect because at times they go to war with the mouse drivers over
who should draw the cursor - when and where. So this is always a good place
to start when working on a cursor problem. Mouse drivers, as the others
have suggested, isn't a bad way to go either. A banged up driver cannot
work properly.

Another reason for a slow cursor is that it's having a hard time finding
processing time to update the drawing of the cursor. It works on a lower
priority - grabbing "spare" slices of CPU time. This is why you often see
"check for malware" recommended for these situations. Any out of control
program (poorly written software which often includes malware -or- damaged
software) could be at fault.

This is harder to troubleshoot. Of course check the system for malware and
virus. But from there it's basically a process of elimination:
when I do A, mouse is fine; if I do A+B, it starts slowing down and so on.

Your gut feeling is probably due to -- well, a battery of errors (programs
or even operating system) will make the system struggle to resolve the
errors. Because of the "low priority" for the mouse, it can seem to drag.
So understandably, you're viewing the slow behavior as "the tip of the
Thanks for info!.....That's the most I've ever heard someone say about mice
& cursors.

I'll see if I can try some different drivers and see if that helps. This is
a custom built machine with an MSI, MS-6738 board, 1.73ghz. AMD Athlon XP
2100+ processor, onboard sound (Realtek), and onboard video (S3 grapics). I
only have 256mb of ram, but I don't use a lot of resource hogging programs
for now.

My pc is clean as far as I can tell from all the scans I usually do (Except
for an occasional tracking cookie). It may be possible that I didn't install
my board drivers in their correct order. Seems like I can remember the old
original drivers on the CD with instructions to install a certain driver
1st.....I'll have to check that out to make sure.
