The connection can be set using a connection string or it can be set
using a DSN.
You can determine the connection method by getting the connect string
from one of the linked tables.
In the immediate window of VBA
That will return a string that should show you the connection method.
It will either show a DSN: and the name or it will show the SQL Server Name
As far as changing the connection - you are using a DSN connection
-- Make a copy of your Access application (in case something goes wrong)
-- delete all the linked tables
-- Use the File: Get External Data: Link Tables...
-- Change Files of Type to ODBC
-- Build a new DSN to point to the SQL server and database
-- If the old tables were not named with dbo_ at the beginning, you will
need to rename the links and strip off the dbo_ at the beginning.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County