How do I have my win forms app find my configuration file. I want to have
this conf file stored in the same folder as the exectuable and simply refer
to it using a relative path. All seemed good untill I opened some files
using the "browse" dialog box - this seems to have changed my apps notion of
what the "relative" position of files is.
For now I have hard coded my conf file in c: drive. Of course, I can't
depend on this for the app coild be installed on many different machines,
which may or may not have c: as theri root drive.
How do folk refer to conf files that are to be distibuted with their apps in
windows forms? What is the methid for determining the current working
directory too?
this conf file stored in the same folder as the exectuable and simply refer
to it using a relative path. All seemed good untill I opened some files
using the "browse" dialog box - this seems to have changed my apps notion of
what the "relative" position of files is.
For now I have hard coded my conf file in c: drive. Of course, I can't
depend on this for the app coild be installed on many different machines,
which may or may not have c: as theri root drive.
How do folk refer to conf files that are to be distibuted with their apps in
windows forms? What is the methid for determining the current working
directory too?