Pete T
Sorry, This is a Re-post as the post I did yesterday that seemed to
have disappeared. In our Office we have a 5-yr old Database with staff
information on training, leave records, operations, etc. There are 7
teams and all staff are assigned to one of these 7 teams. We have 7
supervisors. Management now wants each supervisor to ONLY access
their Teams data. But, selected staff(me, Directors, Ops Coord.),
must have access to all data.
It seems to me that There must be a VBA Code that will grab the
Current User information and from this information create a recordset
of data that keys on that superviros Team number (1-7). This field is
commond amoung all tables.
Is there a way to set-up code that at login to the Database will
create the recordset available to all quieries? A Master Queries by
which all other queries are based? And how would the code be set-up?
Thanks Pete
have disappeared. In our Office we have a 5-yr old Database with staff
information on training, leave records, operations, etc. There are 7
teams and all staff are assigned to one of these 7 teams. We have 7
supervisors. Management now wants each supervisor to ONLY access
their Teams data. But, selected staff(me, Directors, Ops Coord.),
must have access to all data.
It seems to me that There must be a VBA Code that will grab the
Current User information and from this information create a recordset
of data that keys on that superviros Team number (1-7). This field is
commond amoung all tables.
Is there a way to set-up code that at login to the Database will
create the recordset available to all quieries? A Master Queries by
which all other queries are based? And how would the code be set-up?
Thanks Pete