The data/form feature of Excel facilitates viewing and entering data
when the number of fields in a row / record are too numerous to be
viewed similtaneously because the extend off the left or right side of
the screen.
With an Excel spread sheet open, when one selects Data / Form from the
tool bar menu, Excel opens a form showing the field headings as well as
all the fields in the first record. One can then scroll down to any
row / record in the sheet.
Is there a simple way to get the form to show the current record. For
example, if a cell in row ten is currently selected, I'd like to be able
to open the form and have it show the contents of the fields in row ten.
I know that I could write a macro to:
Save the number of the current row,
Open the form, and
Mimic execution of down key strokes until the number of strokes equals
the row.
IS THERE A SIMPLER WAY that is compatible with Excel97?
when the number of fields in a row / record are too numerous to be
viewed similtaneously because the extend off the left or right side of
the screen.
With an Excel spread sheet open, when one selects Data / Form from the
tool bar menu, Excel opens a form showing the field headings as well as
all the fields in the first record. One can then scroll down to any
row / record in the sheet.
Is there a simple way to get the form to show the current record. For
example, if a cell in row ten is currently selected, I'd like to be able
to open the form and have it show the contents of the fields in row ten.
I know that I could write a macro to:
Save the number of the current row,
Open the form, and
Mimic execution of down key strokes until the number of strokes equals
the row.
IS THERE A SIMPLER WAY that is compatible with Excel97?