After updating more, I am getting an error Invalid procedure call or
argumnet. I appreciate all the help.
Function QFillPSyn()
On Error GoTo QFillPSyn_Err
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim intPosition As Integer
Dim TblQryName As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim frmCurrForm As Form
Set frmCurrForm = Screen.ActiveForm 'Gets the current form
strSQL = frmCurrForm.RecordSource 'Get the recordsource for the
current Form
intPosition = InStr(1, strSQL, "FROM", vbTextCompare) + 4 'Add 4 for
the length of "FROM "
TblQryName = right(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - intPosition)
intPosition = InStr(1, TblQryName, " ", vbTextCompare) - 1 'Find first
space after name, and back up one
TblQryName = Left(TblQryName, intPosition)
With CodeContextObject
strWhere = "WHERE " & .Filter
End With
strMsg = "Order values for FILTERED records" & vbCrLf & _
"will be updated to Per Car Quantity."
If (MsgBox(strMsg, 273, "Warning") <> 1) Then
'Update Order values for current records on form
Exit Function
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE " & TblQryName & _
"SET " & TblQryName & ".Order = [Per Car]" & strWhere
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume QFillPSyn_Exit
End Function
Daryl S said:
Newer User -
strSQL is not a table or query name. It is the SQL statement for the
current recordsource. You will need to parse out the table name from this
strSQL. Something like this:
Dim intPosition As Integer
Dim TblQryName As String
intPosition = InStr(1, strSQL, "FROM", vbTextCompare) + 4 'Add 4 for the
length of "FROM "
TblQryName = Right(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - intPosition)
intPosition = InStr(1, TblQryName, " ", vbTextCompare) - 1 'Find first
space after name, and back up one
TblQryName = Left(TblQryName, intPosition)
Once you have the TblQryName, you will need to change your DoCmd statement
to use this - but not within the quotes. Like this:
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE " & TblQryName & _
"SET " & TblQryName & ".Order = [Per Car]" & strWhere
Step through this in debug mode in case I missed a space or digit...
Let us know!
Daryl S
I updated the Function using your suggestions, but must have done something
wrong as I am getting an error message stating "Cannot find input table or
query 'strSQL'"
Function QFillPSyn()
On Error GoTo QFillPSyn_Err
Dim frmCurrForm As Form
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strMsg As String
Set frmCurrForm = Screen.ActiveForm 'Gets the current form
strSQL = frmCurrForm.RecordSource 'Get the recordsource for the
current Form
With CodeContextObject
strWhere = "WHERE " & .Filter
End With
strMsg = "Order values for FILTERED records" & vbCrLf & _
"will be updated to Per Car Quantity."
If (MsgBox(strMsg, 273, "Warning") <> 1) Then
'Update Order values for current records on form
Exit Function
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE strSQL " & _
"SET strSQL.Order = [Per Car]" & strWhere
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume QFillPSyn_Exit
End Function
You can get the current form (see Screen.ActiveForm in help) and put it into
a form variable, then you can get the recordsource for that form. Something
like this:
Dim frmCurrForm as Form
Dim strSQL as String
Set frmCurrForm = Screen.ActiveForm 'Gets the current form
strSQL = frmCurrForm.RecordSource 'Get the recordsource for the current
Then you can make changes as you want to the strSQL, and update the
frmCurrForm.RecordSource with that.
Daryl S
I have the following Function in a module and using on a toolbar. It works
well on the open form which the toolbar is assigned to. The current Record
Source of my form is qryAll. I want to use this Function on several other
forms each with a different Record Source. How do I go about using a
variable as the Record Source changes? I don't want to create a separate
toolbar for every form. Any help appreciated.
Function QTagProduct()
On Error GoTo QTagProduct_Err
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strMsg As String
With CodeContextObject
strWhere = "WHERE " & .Filter
End With
strMsg = "FILTERED records will be tagged."
If (MsgBox(strMsg, 273, "Warning") <> 1) Then
'Tag Current filtered Records
Exit Function
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE qryAll " & _
"SET qryAll.T = '-1'" & strWhere
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume QTagProduct_Exit
End Function