How can I get the top of my Report to display the current month and the next two columns to show the next two months.
In other words if I open the report today the top of column D should read "May" and the tops of E and F should say "June" and "July" respectively.
If I open the report in October, D should say October, E should say November and F should say December. I entered =Now() and formatted as a month but I can figure out how to do the columns to the right. I know that adding 30 or 31 cannot be the answer.
Thank you.
In other words if I open the report today the top of column D should read "May" and the tops of E and F should say "June" and "July" respectively.
If I open the report in October, D should say October, E should say November and F should say December. I entered =Now() and formatted as a month but I can figure out how to do the columns to the right. I know that adding 30 or 31 cannot be the answer.
Thank you.