Current Date to JDE Julian

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Smith
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John Smith

I'm working on a project where I have to place the current date into a
field in JD Edwards. JDE says the format for the date field is Julian. I
need help converting DateTime.Today to a Julian date string.
Here is my setup:

Language - US English
Current Date = 11/17/04
Date format JDE is expecting = 104322

I've searched google and can't find the name for the format where the date
11/17/04 = 104322

Is there a combination of DateTime.Parse / Globalization, etc that I can use
to convert the current date to the above format?
Thank you for your help.
My email is developer22 at yahoo
John Smith said:
I'm working on a project where I have to place the current date into a
field in JD Edwards. JDE says the format for the date field is Julian.
need help converting DateTime.Today to a Julian date string.
Here is my setup:

Language - US English
Current Date = 11/17/04
Date format JDE is expecting = 104322

I've searched google and can't find the name for the format where the date
11/17/04 = 104322

Is there a combination of DateTime.Parse / Globalization, etc that I can
to convert the current date to the above format?
Thank you for your help.
My email is developer22 at yahoo

I have no idea what the leading "1" is for, but the rest looks lik a julian
date with a two digit year, and a three digit day-of-year. There's no built
in format string for the day-of-year, so you'll have to write a function.

public static string ToJDEDate(DateTime d)
return d.ToString("1yy") + d.DayOfYear.ToString("000");

Should do it.

Thanks for the info. I was recently told the "format" for that date is
Number of Years since 1900 + Number of Days since the first day of the
current year.

Have you ever heard of that type of date format being used? I'll just have
to concatenate the numbers to make the format work.