OK, now I get what you're trying to do.
One approach would be to treat the top 10 and the "others" as separate
operations. You can use the TOP 10 suggestion from my previous reply to get
the first part.
The second is a bit trickier. First, I'd take the query that gives the TOP
10 and do an "unmatched" query against the original table to find those that
are "other". Then I'd run a Totals query against that (you'll have to
experiment, you might be able to convert the unmatched query to a Totals
query, or you might have to use the unmatched query as the source for a new,
third, Totals query). In the Totals query, create an expression for one
field, something like:
Other: "Others"
and select the Amount field, setting the "Totals" row to Sum.
Finally, if you need to have all these showing in a single query's output
(by the way, how are you planning to SORT these?!), you'll have to build a
UNION query (check Access HELP) to bring together both the TOP 10 and the
Others amounts.
Good luck!
Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>