Have almost exactly same problem as another recent post with rounding
problems but don’t know which formula to solve it with. Although two totals
are off it could happen to any of them.
In my report with four columns being totaled, two of which include a tax
calculation the results are sometimes a penny off.
Here are the figures in detail section.
Labor Parts Tax Total
13.38 65.50 5.40 84.28
53.50 5.60 0.46 59.56
6.69 18.45 1.52 26.66
10.00 216.50 17.86 244.36
_____ ______ _____ ______
83.56 306.05 25.25 414.86 Totals in total section
Labor and tax columns are off by a penny.
Looking at the totals to four digits looks like this
83.5625 306.0500 25.2491 414.8616
My formula for Labor and Parts totals is this with the appropriate column
=(Sum(nz([LaborCost])) with the vb rounding function it is this
=Round(Sum(nz([LaborCost])),2) the figures still are exactly the same
The formula for tax is the simple (but maybe wrong)
=Sum(nz([PartsTotal]))*0.01*nz([txtTaxRate]) …tax rate is
The formula for Total is
Can anyone help me with getting the totals to show the correct figures. It
looks like a simple answer, but it has eluded me so far. Seems like a simple
rounding with .005 up to the next penny would solve it, but I am not sure how
to accomplish that, if that would indeed work.
From the answers I've seen here I guess I 'd better read the rounding rules
for California to make sure my simple tax calculation doesn't violate rules
(which it probably does).
Any help would be appreciated.
problems but don’t know which formula to solve it with. Although two totals
are off it could happen to any of them.
In my report with four columns being totaled, two of which include a tax
calculation the results are sometimes a penny off.
Here are the figures in detail section.
Labor Parts Tax Total
13.38 65.50 5.40 84.28
53.50 5.60 0.46 59.56
6.69 18.45 1.52 26.66
10.00 216.50 17.86 244.36
_____ ______ _____ ______
83.56 306.05 25.25 414.86 Totals in total section
Labor and tax columns are off by a penny.
Looking at the totals to four digits looks like this
83.5625 306.0500 25.2491 414.8616
My formula for Labor and Parts totals is this with the appropriate column
=(Sum(nz([LaborCost])) with the vb rounding function it is this
=Round(Sum(nz([LaborCost])),2) the figures still are exactly the same
The formula for tax is the simple (but maybe wrong)
=Sum(nz([PartsTotal]))*0.01*nz([txtTaxRate]) …tax rate is
The formula for Total is
Can anyone help me with getting the totals to show the correct figures. It
looks like a simple answer, but it has eluded me so far. Seems like a simple
rounding with .005 up to the next penny would solve it, but I am not sure how
to accomplish that, if that would indeed work.
From the answers I've seen here I guess I 'd better read the rounding rules
for California to make sure my simple tax calculation doesn't violate rules
(which it probably does).
Any help would be appreciated.