Currency Format in Query


L.A. Lawyer

I have a generated field in a Query which I want to have as a currency
field. It generates the number fine (this is the division result of a
current amount and a plain number), but the output is always a plain number,
no matter what I do. I tried formatting the result as Format(Result,
"Currency"), but that didn't work either.

What gives?


L.A. Lawyer said:
I have a generated field in a Query which I want to have as a currency
field. It generates the number fine (this is the division result of a
current amount and a plain number), but the output is always a plain number,
no matter what I do. I tried formatting the result as Format(Result,
"Currency"), but that didn't work either.

What gives?


This works for me in a query..

Why bother formatting it at all in the query if you are going to use the
result in a report, or on a form?

Format it in the report/form:
=Format([YourField],"$ #,###.00")

You can omit the $ if you don't want it to see it.
Make sure the name of the control is not "YourField".

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