Kevin Sprinkel
SELECT M.JobNumber, M.EstimateNumber, M.Phase, M.Amount,
M.SForQty, M.Unit, M.Note, M.PrintUnits
FROM tblEstimateData AS M
WHERE (((M.EstimateNumber)<>(SELECT Max(EstimateNumber)
FROM tblEstimateData As T
WHERE T.JobNumber = M.JobNumber)));
is the underlying query for a report. In attempting to
concatenate [Unit] and [Note], I generated an error with
the following control source: = Nz([Unit])& Nz([Note]).
Trying to isolate the error, I tried the following control
source expressions, with these results:
Control Source Result
-------------- -------------------------------
=Nz([Unit]) Correct value of [Unit] field
=Nz([Phase]) Correct value of [Phase] field
=Nz([SForQty]) Correct value of [SForQty] field
=Nz([Note]) ERROR
=Nz([M.Note]) Correct value of [Note] field
=Nz([Unit])& Nz([M.Note]) Correct value of concatenation
[Note] alone required the tablename reference, even though
there is no other [Note] field from another table.
Does anyone know why? Thanks.
Kevin Sprinkel
Becker & Frondorf
M.SForQty, M.Unit, M.Note, M.PrintUnits
FROM tblEstimateData AS M
WHERE (((M.EstimateNumber)<>(SELECT Max(EstimateNumber)
FROM tblEstimateData As T
WHERE T.JobNumber = M.JobNumber)));
is the underlying query for a report. In attempting to
concatenate [Unit] and [Note], I generated an error with
the following control source: = Nz([Unit])& Nz([Note]).
Trying to isolate the error, I tried the following control
source expressions, with these results:
Control Source Result
-------------- -------------------------------
=Nz([Unit]) Correct value of [Unit] field
=Nz([Phase]) Correct value of [Phase] field
=Nz([SForQty]) Correct value of [SForQty] field
=Nz([Note]) ERROR
=Nz([M.Note]) Correct value of [Note] field
=Nz([Unit])& Nz([M.Note]) Correct value of concatenation
[Note] alone required the tablename reference, even though
there is no other [Note] field from another table.
Does anyone know why? Thanks.
Kevin Sprinkel
Becker & Frondorf