Harlan Messinger
I've been surprised by the frequency with which I've seen online
inquiries regarding reflection, but perhaps I shouldn't be. I would have
thought that the primary, if not sole, "legitimate" purpose in using
reflection (where by "legitimate" I mean without violating or
circumventing good coding practices) is to create development tools. Is
it that the inquiries I see are commensurate with the number of people
who are building development tools, or is it that a lot of the inquiries
indicate people using reflection for purposes where it isn't the right
tool? Or is it that there are plenty of other "legitimate" uses of
reflection? If so, can someone enlighten me?
inquiries regarding reflection, but perhaps I shouldn't be. I would have
thought that the primary, if not sole, "legitimate" purpose in using
reflection (where by "legitimate" I mean without violating or
circumventing good coding practices) is to create development tools. Is
it that the inquiries I see are commensurate with the number of people
who are building development tools, or is it that a lot of the inquiries
indicate people using reflection for purposes where it isn't the right
tool? Or is it that there are plenty of other "legitimate" uses of
reflection? If so, can someone enlighten me?