Cure for cancer?

DCA has been talked about for a while on the internet, and unfortunately people have thought drug companies have been withholding information and/or don't want to develop it as it isn't something they can turn to make a big profit (not my words, but those appearing on many sites). The truth is any pharma research arm or cancer research trust would plough loads of money into it if they thought it could cure cancer. DCA hopefully holds some promise, but there are other equally promising things out there.

It's too early to tell if this thing will work in the wild as I don't think any trials have been done thus far, it's not the same thing if it works in a lab unfortunately.

I really hope it does work though :thumb:

I remember reading that now

Sorry didn't mean to start a duplicate thread :o
Hmm... thought it was a Chuck Norris thread :D
never heard of it, but if they did manage to create a cure... anyone care to guess how much it would cost? :(