CULTUREINFO, how is it used by ASP.Net



We have 2 web servers that seem identical, the same version of 2 applications
are installed (Web / Windows), they utilize the same SQL server and have the
same regional settings.

However, Server B causes a “CAST to date†error from our web application.,
windows is fine.

We have a test Web application on both servers that allows us to query the
cultureinfo and they are different.
Server A: en-GB
Server B: en-US

We can fix it by adding globalization settings to the web config of Server B
version of the application. Our questions however are,

Where are the cultureinfo details stored?
When are they stored?
Where does ASP.Net retrieve them from?
Can we amend them in the Windows environment?


Hi Karl,

Sorry for posting another message relating to the same problem, but the
second message was posted after we had more information. Anyway it wasn't 3
message, it think it was 2.



Sorry Carl

There was 3 posts, someone in our team posted without me knowing.

Sorry again


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